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Rose Quartz Pendulum

Rose Quartz Pendulum

Regular price $17.00 AUD
Regular price $20.00 AUD Sale price $17.00 AUD
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Pendulum dowsing is a very simple practice that goes back through many cultures and traditions. You connect to your inner-self and/or the energies around you to get straight forward yes/no and maybe answers to questions you have. This form of divination is great for beginners to more advanced readers, people use pendulums to find items as well. 

Rose Quartz is the OG of love stones. It is considered the universal stone of love, but not all love consists of a holly wood romance of ideal perfection sweeping you off your feet, the love we often ignore is self-love. Rose Quartz can help open your heart chakra and help you heal by removing blockages and working through traumatic and toxic energy. Self-love is something I feel everyone has struggled with at some point in their life, but it is an important lesson. Loving ourselves is something we must do before we can fully open ourselves to the love of someone else. Rose Quartz is a wonderful crystal for harmony, balance, faith and compassion, all matter of the heart.  

The pendulum you shall receive in the one in the photos. While all photos are taken in the natural sunlight to show off their qualities as best as possible, please be aware that not all screens are the same and colour will vary. This pendulum comes from Brazil.

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